resources / Certified Test Report

Verified Performance Cabletray

For a copy of the Independent test report comparing nVent CADDY WBT Performance Cable Tray shaped tray versus old style round crosswire tray, please contact sales@wbtray.com

In summary, utilizing nVent CADDY WBT Performance Cable Tray shaped wire offers a minimum 400% increase in cabling support and surface area, versus a standard round wire crosswire.

Also, the reduction in cable strain associated with shaped wire, based on the testing criteria, WBT offers between a 33% and 65% decrease in cable strain/pressure.


 Contact Area Flat Load Wire Pressure Bending Strain Contact Area Round Load Wire Pressure Bending Strain Decrease in Strain Flat Versus Round
Square Inch. Lbs. PSI Inches Square Inch. Lbs PSI Microinches
0.03125 0.0676 2.2 8 0.00781 0.0676 8.7 11 37.5%
0.03125 0.1291 4.1 18 0.00781 0.1291 16.5 24 33.3%
0.03125 0.1876 6.0 27 0.00781 0.1876 24.0 44 63.0%
0.03125 0.2507 8.0 38 0.00781 0.2507 32.1 61 60.5%
0.03125 0.3168 10.1 51 0.00781 0.3168 40.6 74 45.1%
0.03125 1.1023 35.3 113 0.00781 1.1023 141.1 187 65.5%
0.03125 5.0000 160.0 274 0.00781 5.0000 640.2 330 20.4%


Offering a full, innovative product lineup for Data Center and Network Solutions and cable pathway management.

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